Integration means the combining and coordinating of separate parts of elements into a unified whole. Integrative breathing is a safe and natural process which utilizes conscious breathing patterns to induce healing – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, thus bringing the parts into a unified whole. What is Integrative Breathwork?
Breath = Life
The fuller and more complete and unrestricted your breath is, the fuller, more complete and unrestricted your life can be. Simple as that.
What Should I Expect?
• A 30-45 minute lecture about what integrative breath is and how it works
• A detailed Breath Analysis: your unique breathing pattern and what it means
• A full 30-45 minute guided breath session
A teacher of yoga since 2002, Mary has always been passionate about the breath. In 2011, she completed her training as a Transformational Breathworker, and now brings Integrative Breathwork into the other modalities that she works with. As a certified Thai Yoga Bodyworker and Reiki Master, Mary finds that breathwork is a divine compliment to all of these modalities. Her goal is to share knowledge and information about the recuperative powers of the breath in order to help others integrate this practice into their everyday lives in a way that brings more peace, joy and vitality.